Pizza Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
These sweet potatoes are filled with a cheezy pizza stuffing. A perfect way to make pizza without the crust!

Pizza is one of my favorite foods. I can eat it in any form, regular crust, cauliflower crust, loaded with cheese or only with a deliciously simple tomato sauce. You name it, I eat it!
Sweet potatoes go into same category. I can eat it whenever, breakfast, lunch, dinner or midnight snack 😉
So this week I’m bringing those two together. In the shape of a decadent pizza stuffed sweet potatoes. Are you excited? I sure am!

We’ve been working hard on our dance show, which will premiere in a month. If you are interested in how it looked the previous years, go see Tribal Bizzare site. As you would imagine, we’re spending a lot of time practicing, sewing costumes and making props for the show. It’s an exciting time! Stresfull, but fun at the same time. If you’ve got some interesting hobbies of your own, I’d love to hear about them in the comments 🙂 🙂 🙂

Ok, back to the sweet potatoes! This recipe is a little quicker that the usuall stuffed sweet potatoes. I cut the potatoes in half before baking, which shortenes the baking time and it makes the top of the sweet potato flesh even sweeter. After it is baked I mash the flesh and add A LOT of stuffing, then press it in the potato, so I can add some more on the top. Haha! These here, look almost roud, I pressed so much stuffing in. But that’s ok, right?
Sweet potatoes are basically quilt-free comfort food. All sweet and yummy, but with a low IG and loads of vitamins and minerals.
I love the fact that we can eat the skins. When I was a child, my mum would allways peel the potatoes (note: sweet potatoes were nowhere to be found in Slovenia at that time). We’d only eat the spring potatoes with the skin still on, otherwise it was chopped off! Later I realized that the skins are actually the best part of a potatoes. ♥ It goes the same with sweet potatoes.

And now…drumrolllllllllllll…the recipe –>

- 1 kg sweet potatoes
- 100 g champignons or any other mushroom that you like sliced thinly
- 200 g mozzarella cheese 1 cm cubes
- 100 g cherry tomatoes deseeded and cut into small pieces
- 30 g olives sliced thinly
- a handful of basil chopped
Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Wash and dry your sweet potatoes. Cut them in half and oil it on both sides with olive oil. Add a little salt and pepper.
Place potato halves cut side down on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Bake sweet potatoes for 30 minutes, or until they are soft when poked with a fork.
10 minutes before the sweet potatoes are done fry the mushrooms in a pan with a little oil, until they get golden. This will take a couple of minutes.
In a bowl, prepare the stuffing. Mix mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, olives, and basil.
When sweet potatoes are done, take them out of the oven and turn them around.
With a fork, mash the flesh and add seasoning if necessary. Stuff them with cheese mixture and press it down firmly. Add any left mixture on top.
Return to the oven for 5 – 10 minutes, until cheese has melted and got a light golden color.